Snowmobiling – Registration

NH (OHRV) Snowmobile Registration

NH Snowmobile Off Road Vehicle Information

New Hampshire snowmobilingRide the New Hampshire’s snowmobile trails – but be sure your Snowmobile is legal and registered. With a snowmobile season that begins in mid-December and extends through at least February, there is plenty of time each season to explore the vast trail network system throughout the state. New Hampshire’s trail system is maintained by the NH Snowmobile Association, an organization of independently incorporated snowmobile clubs. Ask us about NH snowmobiling or share your comments. To feature your NH business, contact us.

New Hampshire Snowmobile Trails & Resorts

New Hampshire snowmobileNew Hampshire law requires that all snowmobiles be registered before they are used on NH Snowmobile Trails.

New Hampshire Snowmobile Laws are enforced by the NH Fish and Game Department, NH snowmobile trails are patrolled. Registration Rates may be found by contacting calling 603-271-4300.

OHRV Registration Rates have increased check with the NH Fish and Game Department. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is the state agency responsible for the registration of Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles and snowmobiles. There are no titles held.

The State of New Hampshire does not title Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles or snowmobiles, nor does it maintain any records of title or liens on these types of snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles. For information about the latest NH Snowmobile and OHRV Vehicle Registrations visit You may also telephone the NH Fish and Game Department: 603-271-3129 or New Hampshire Snowmobile Association: 603-273-0220

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